Chaotic or Sporadically Creative

Angel Navarro
Jun 14, 2021

My mind is close to blank, today was a full day. I woke up at 7:20 & got up by 7:45, ate by 9:00, *brain pause* ← (focusing on a new subject). *Waiving my hands in the air* ← (not really, that’s from 22 Jump Street.) Ok… I’m back, look mom no *pause*, brain is somewhere but not really here. I don’t remember what I was going to say. I wrote today, and I have a crush Victoria M****** *grin* I’m a dork, goofy ehh, maybe I like to just do shit. Sometimes, actually sober yes. My hand is cramping, haha that reminds me the other day. AHH the lactic acid *deep breath*. Do you think my mind is chaotic? I’d say sporadically creative. Could I focus, yes. Do I, often. Do I enjoy it, yes, my point? None. This is ADHD



Angel Navarro

I've actively journaled the last 3 years. Some of which others enjoyed, I'm trying something new.