
Angel Navarro
2 min readJun 13, 2021
The End of a Long Trip

Take the risk, jump into the deep end, drive until it’s dark or through a winter storm (that’ll get your stress up). Try new food, take a shot w/ the girl out of your league, apply for the job above your resume.

Try, even if the outcome is unknown. You’ll learn what not to do if you fail, what to do if you succeed and that you can when you do.

I’ve listened too long to people who are fearful of the unknown. I take risk, sometimes stupid risk, actually, often stupid. I take calculated risk, hope for the best but prepare enough for the worst that I can always bear the storm.

I can’t pretend to know life, I’m not God, but I can live in it meaningfully. Even a seed can move concrete, just give it time.

So, who am I? I’m fucking Angel Navarro, one of kind and just one of many. I’m me. My life ain’t right but it’s mine to bear, I can’t help the unfortunate if I’m broken, dead or surviving and I can’t make a difference if I’m not different.

Life isn’t simple but I can do something well and that’s fuck up just a little bit less than last time. Call it pride I call it realistic, I’m humble but not willfully ignorant. I’m a lot of things, risky is just one of them.



Angel Navarro

I've actively journaled the last 3 years. Some of which others enjoyed, I'm trying something new.